“Nature is in a constant flux, and so is the body. Body is a changing phenomenon. It is dying every moment to renew itself. However, there is definitely something, we intuitively understand, that does not change among the changing panorama of life. This is the reason why there is so much effort in this world to make permanent everything we value. This is the reason why we feel that we remain the same entity, though the body ages. Thus, the unconscious search for the absolute and unchanging reality within our being begins as insane efforts to keep up youthful appearance in an aging body. The body is our born nature. Just as our body and mind are our born nature, which is constantly changing, we have something within us that does not change. It is our unborn nature. Our unborn nature is the intelligent principle of pure being and knowing, that shines in every being as the ‘I am’. — Excerpt from the book “Awakening Inner Guru” by Banani Ray and Amit Ray (This material is copyrighted, and published by permission from Inner Light Publishers)
Our unborn nature is the intelligent principle of pure being and knowing, that shines in every being as the ‘I am’. ~ Banani Ray